Laura M. Stack Fallon, LL.B. ’43
Charles F. Haugh Jr., A.A. ’48
John W. Jenkins, A.A. ’49
Martin R. Fischer, B.S. ’50
Herbert Sweren, B.S. ’50
Charlotte R. Bianco, A.A. ’51
Jacob Matz, J.D. ’51
Irene A. Wilson, LL.B. ’51
Carl J. Amrhein, A.A. ’52
W. Wade Homesley, A.A. ’53, J.D. ’70
Ruth Muhlbauer, B.S. ’53
Dudley K. Chism, B.S. ’54
Gordon J. Kelly Sr., J.D. ’55
Mary R. Gill, LL.B. ’56
Lee G. Rudolph Jr., B.S. ’57
Lloyd J. Hammond, LL.B. ’58
Adolph J. Siedlecki, B.S. ’59
Paul J. Hagner, B.S. ’60
Arthur H. Helton Jr., B.S. ’60
Lawrence L. Katz, B.S. ’60
Edward B. Kovens, B.S. ’60
Marvin S. Miller, LL.B. ’60
Arthur F. Pittenger, LL.B. ’60
Norman R. Stone Jr., J.D. ’60
Clarence W. Thompson, B.S. ’60
Robert F. Fischer, LL.B. ’61
James G. Byrnes, B.S. ’62
Edward P. Gallagher, J.D. ’62
T. L. Trockenbrot Jr., B.S. ’62
Taylor Bannan Anderson, B.S. ’63
Richard J. Hannigan, LL.B. ’63
Stuart M. Harrison, B.S. ’63, LL.B. ’67
Ronald C. Higgins, CERT ’63
Marion J. Minker Jr., A.A. ’63
Paul M. Mintz, B.S. ’63
Raymond F. Noon Jr., B.S. ’63
F. Brian Richter, A.A. ’63, B.S. ’72
Lee L. Shaver, B.S. ’63
Bernard J. Thomas, B.S. ’63
John R. Thompson, B.S. ’63
P. Joseph Amati, LL.B. ’64
Francis M. Chucoski, CERT ’64
Russell D. Coogan, J.D. ’64
Howard B. Gersh, LL.B. ’64
William Hughes, LL.B. ’64
Jeffrey A. Legum, B.S. ’64
Robert J. Smigal, LL.B. ’64
Walter D. Welsh, B.S. ’64
Robert C. Zacker, B.S. ’64
Stanley M. Asch, B.S. ’65
Alexander Beaumont, CERT ’65
Leroy M. Beck, B.S. ’65
Arnold N. “Tank” Cohen, B.S. ’65
Gilbert D. Marsiglia Sr., LL.B. ’65
Richard W. Moore, LL.B. ’65
Dorothy T. Sparrow, B.A. ’65
Lewis B. Steingold, J.D. ’65
Stephen P. Bourexis, J.D. ’66
Kenneth L. Cordrey, B.S. ’66
Thomas E. Donoho, LL.B. ’66
William J. Donovan, LL.B. ’66
Wayne R. Gioioso Sr., J.D. ’66
Joseph W. Mikos Jr., B.S. ’66
Randolph N. Bair Sr., J.D. ’67
Robert J. Dvorak, B.S. ’67
Michael A. Marley, B.S. ’67
George A. Quick, J.D. ’67
Edward F. Wilbourne, B.S. ’67
Donald E. Young, B.S. ’67
Stuart M. Felderstein, LL.B. ’68
Earl B. Heim, B.S. ’68, M.S. ’81
Harold F. Rew, B.S. ’68
William E. Schaeffer, B.S. ’68
Ronald W. Titus, B.S. ’68
Alan J. Wolfe, B.S, ’68
Fred W. Brehm, CERT ’69, B.S. ’71
Ronald F. Cardwell, B.S ’69
Harry R. Davidson, B.S. ’69
Arrie W. Davis, LL.B. ’69
Lloyd W. Deluke, B.S. ’69
Wayne C. Faupel, B.S. ’69
John T. Lyburn Jr., B.S. ’69
C. Jerome Moschetta, J.D. ’69
Donaldson L. Parker, J.D. ’69
Richard A. Percival, J.D. ’69
James L. Prichard, B.S. ’69, J.D. ’74
George L. Rayburn, LL.B. ’69
Joseph L. Ruppert, J.D. ’69
John B. Russell, B.S. ’69
James D. Baikauskas, B.S. ’70
Gregory L. Bell, B.S. ’70
Willard L. Broms, J.D. ’70
Albert A. Dipietro Jr., B.S. ’70
Albert P. German III, B.A. ’70, J.D. ’74
John Johns, B.S. ’70
Robert M. Powell Jr., B.S. ’70
Robert E. Sutton, B.S. ’70
William W. Tubman Jr., B.A. ’70
Raymond P. Blake, B.S. ’71
Evelyn M. Blunt, B.S. ’71
James H. Darnell, B.S. ’71
Clarence H. Edmondson, B.S. ’71
Richard J. Hajewski, B.A. ’71
Allan J. Hirsch, B.S. ’71
Maynard G. Lewis, B.A. ’71
William B. Norris III, B.S. ’71
Richard W. Curry, B.S. ’72
John W. Derwart, B.S. ’72
Manuel B. Diaz, B.S. ’72
Thomas E. Hickman, J.D. ’72
Nelson S. Hoffman, B.S. ’72
James H. Knebel, J.D. ’72
Stewart H. Mayes, B.S. ’72
Raymond E. Nicholas Jr., B.S. ’72
Richard A. Owings, B.S. ’72
Darlene G. Perry, J.D. ’72
Charles B. Rau, B.S. ’72
Bernard E. Spangler Jr., B.S. ’72
Richard L. Weller, B.S. ’72
Richard D. Adams, B.S. ’73
Harold C. Arnold, J.D. ’73
Alan B. Brenner, CERT ’73
Ronald T. Burkhouse, B.S. ’73
Harry C. Dill, B.S. ’73
William R. Evans, J.D. ’73
Bual J. Holbrook, B.S. ’73
Barry I. Kaufman, B.S. ’73
Peter G. Kojzar, B.S. ’73
Barrie A. Lau, B.S. ’73
Stephen C. Mackie, J.D. ’73
Henry T. Meneely, J.D. ’73
John H. Muffley, B.S. ’73
Joseph P. Sacchet, B.S. ’73
John J. Shorb, J.D. ’73
Paul F. Strong, B.S. ’77
Francis J. Susie Jr., B.S. ’73
Charles F. Underwood, B.S. ’73
Arthur H. Wyman, B.A. ’73
Burdette Beebe, B.S. ’74
Terrence B. Byrne, J.D. ’74
Howard M. Casway, J.D. ’74
Richard A. Emans, B.S. ’74
Richard C. Goldman, J.D. ’74
Stuart J. Robinson, J.D. ’74
Michael M. Slingluff, J.D. ’74
William R. Wheatly, J.D. ’74
William D. Dewar, J.D. ’75
Nathaniel C. Fick Jr., J.D. ’75
Phillip Gasior, B.S. ’75
Herbert Glaser, B.S. ’75
Peter A. Nelson, J.D. ’75
Lothar H. Prochnio, B.S. ’75, M.S. ’81
Robert J. Sutton, B.S. ’75
David G. Whitworth Jr., J.D. ’75
Susan P. Doory, B.A. ’76
Raymond P. Glover, B.S. ’76
Paul R. Shelby, J.D. ’76
Dennis J. Sysko, J.D. ’76
Robert B. Cave, M.S. ’77
Patricia K. Frizzera, B.A. ’77
Dean D. Given, M.S. ’77
Norman E. Johnson Jr., J.D. ’77
Carl A. Mohrwinkel, J.D. ’77
Judith M. Skolnik, B.A. ’77
Michael F. Anthony, J.D. ’78
Miriam A. Cholewszyn, B.A. ’78
Wilbur E. Cunningham, M.P.A. ’78
William A. Harden, B.S. ’78, MBA ’87
George P. Stanton Jr., J.D. ’78
Carl F. Ullrich, M.P.A. ’78
Irvin L. Becker Sr., B.S. ’79
James A. Edmonds, M.P.A. ’79
Vergie C. Jennings, B.S. ’79
Paula A. Winik, J.D. ’79
Steve W. Burton, B.A. ’80
Mildred A. Cheek, B.S. ’80
Kenneth Gant, B.A. ’80
Robert W. Lucas, B.S. ’80
Robert C. Richardson, B.S. ’80
Mark E. Vahlkamp, B.S. ’80, M.S. ’87
Karen J. Fine, CERT ’81, MBA ’82
Thomas M. Frederick, B.S. ’81
Thomas M. McDonough, J.D. ’81
Carolyn J. M. Mugno,
CERT ’81, M.S. ’82
Jok Walsh, J.D. ’81
Glenn L. Weinberg, J.D. ’81
Warren P. Will Jr., B.S. ’81
Doris L. T. Donaldson, B.A. ’82
Alexander M. Francis, B.S. ’82
John D. Korenstra, B.A. ’82
Norma J. Snyder, B.S. ’82
William Winter Jr., M.P.A. ’83
Daniel J. Bolgiano, B.S. ’84
Bonnie A. Lease, B.A. ’84
Joan D. Smith, B.S. ’84
Jeffrey A. Tirschman, B.S. ’84
Tarry M. Lalonde, MBA ’85
Kevin G. Pfeifer, B.S. ’85
James A. Savopoulos, MBA ’85
Frances E. Duplayee, B.A. ’86
Libby C. Reamer Rappaport, J.D. ’88
Charlene R. Wilcher, B.S. ’88
Robert N. R. Brooks, B.A. ’89
Vanessa Graham, B.S. ’89
David A. Kennedy, MBA ’89
Ronald J. Klemkowski, J.D. ’89
Susie B. Gaumer, B.S. ’90
Alice S. Jennings, J.D. ’90
Douglas J. J. Peters, MBA ’90
Donald J. Crone, B.S. ’91
Carol A. Jones, B.A. ’91
Charles B. Keenan Jr., LL.M. ’91
Dana J. Mayle, B.S. ’91
Renee S. Bucharewicz, B.A. ’92
Stephen Madden, B.S. ’92
Stephen R. Becker, B.S. ’93
Marie P. Fiester, MBA ’93
James M. Poling, J.D. ’93
Charles B. “Bernie” Beckman, B.S. ’94
Rita S. Johnson, B.A. ’94
Darcell O. Morris, B.A. ’94
John J. Orbell, B.S. ’94
G. E. Petro, MBA ’94
Jason A. Blumenberg, B.S. ’95
Ricardo Davis, B.S. ’95
James P. Gregorowicz, J.D. ’95
Charles O. Clauss, B.S. ’96
Deborah L. Dahl-Young, MBA ’96
David M. Zeman, B.S. ’96
Christi C. Bowers, MBA ’98, MBA ’00
Robert L. Kelm III, B.S. ’98
Anthony P. Santoro, B.S. ’98
Michael Chester, J.D. ’99
Andrew M. Pons, B.A. ’00
Scott L. Williams, MBA ’00
Frank A. Alamia, J.D. ’01
Scott E. Fisher, M.A. ’02
Timothy Paul Black, B.A ’03
Dreanna L. Hurtt, M.A. ’04
William J. McGraw, B.A. ’06
Heather N. King, J.D. ’08
Paul D. Lamari, J.D. ’09, MBA ’10
Matthew T. Simpson, J.D. ’09
Stephen W. Bossom, M.F.A. ’15,
CERT ’21
Alyssa Scully, B.A. ’20

Gregory A. Bayor, B.A. ’71, former president of the University of Baltimore Alumni Association Board of Governors, died on July 29, 2023, after a six-year battle with cancer. Bayor embodied the spirit of community engagement by providing quality programs and activities to children and adults alike during his 39-year career as director for recreation and parks in municipalities like Baltimore City and Rockville, Maryland; Elgin Illinois; and Tampa, Florida. As a UBalt student, he enjoyed his experiences on the lacrosse and soccer teams. As a graduate, he was proud of UBalt’s rich sports history. He served as a member of the Board of Governors for many years, working alongside staff to keep UBalt alumni connected to the university he so loved.

James T. Hill, B.S. ’70, M.P.A. ’83, who served four deans as a member of the former College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Council and the Dean’s Advisory Council for the School of Public Affairs, passed away on March 23. A staff sergeant with the Maryland Air National Guard and a longtime financial administrator for the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Hill was an active and enthusiastic volunteer with the College of Liberal Arts and then continued with the College of Public Affairs when it was created in 2010. He held the University’s Master of Public Administration and its professors in high regard and was proud to support the program and the college through his generosity and his unwavering service.